Why Act Like X?
How many times have you read a book that got you excited about the impact a new approach could have on your company or organization? Or heard a great speaker at a conference that made you want to change the world? Or seen a thought-provoking TED Talk that inspired you to implement change… but once back in the office, dealing with the demands of the day-to-day, you just got too busy and moved on?
Act Like X is rooted in the practice of taking inspiration from others — in adopting and adapting the best practices of leading companies and executives and applying them to your own company or organization. Our workbooks and workshops are designed to help you to get informed and inspired. More importantly, they’re designed to help you take action.
Who Should Act Like X?
Act Like X workbooks are great for anyone looking to explore and apply the best practices of the world’s leading companies to their own company or organization. From C-Suite executives to entrepreneurs, and functional team leaders to business unit managers, Act Like X provides actionable exercises to help both individuals and teams move beyond thinking and start doing.
When, Where and How to Act Like X
Workbooks are developed to provide flexibility of use, making Act Like X ideal for interactive workshop participation at conferences and industry seminars, leadership off-sites, planning sessions and company meetings.
- Complete the exercises in sequence, or in random order based on your company’s specific objectives and priorities.
- Incorporate Act Like X as an interactive element to your conference or event agenda.
- Use Act Like X in combination with recommended reading as part of a company educational module or ongoing leadership training initiative.
- Complete an exercise-a-week as part of regular team meetings.
- Plan an off-site around an Act Like X theme, or incorporate Act Like X as a component to a multi-day retreat.
- Contact us to facilitate an Act Like X session and / or customize an Act Like X workbook for your company or organization.