We believe every company should be true to its DNA, but it doesn’t hurt to take a little time and look at your business from a different perspective — what’s working, what’s not and what can you learn from the world’s leading companies? Thought leads to action and action produces results. To act like an Amazon or a Google or a Tesla or a Starbucks, you’ve got to think like one, so we’ve put together the Act Like X series to help you get started.
Each Act Like X workbook identifies 10 concepts you can apply from our Company-X, each one paired with an easy-to-complete exercise to help you and your team get informed, get inspired, and take action.
All exercises include activities for individuals to complete on their own, as well as instructions for adapting exercises and / or adding group discussion and collaboration. Each exercise also offers recommended timing and materials needed.Act Like X: Amazon Edition
Great for conferences and meetings themed around:
Customer-Focus, Vision, Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Culture
Act Like X: Salesforce Edition
Great for conferences and meetings themed around:
Leadership, Corporate Responsibility, Startups, SaaS, Innovation and Culture
Act Like X: Google Edition (Fall 2020)
Great for conferences and meetings themed around:
Innovation, Technology, User Experience, Excellence, Leadership and Culture
Act Like X: Starbucks Edition (Spring 2021)
Great for conferences and meetings themed around:
Brand Development, Marketing, Conscientious / Ethical Practices and Strategy